Mates Creek Association - Articles of Faith

We believe in one true living God, who is the Creator, upholder, and righteous disposer of all things; and that He is self-existent, independent, omnipotent and eternal. (Gen. 1:1; Deut. 6:4; Jer. 10:10; Matt. 28:19; Joh. 1:1, 17:20-23; I Cor. 8:6; II Cor. 13:14; I Tim. 1:17; I Joh. 5:7)

We believe that Jesus existed in His mediatorial Person as the head and life of His body, the church from everlasting. (Mat. 16:18; Eph. 2:19-22; Col. 1:18)

We believe in the doctrine of eternal, personal, and unconditional election; that the elect, or church, is and was and shall forever remain His body and fullness, and their spiritual life is hid with Christ in God. (Psa. 115:3; Matt. 1:21, 25:31-46; Joh. 6:37-47, 10:26-30; Acts 13:48; Romans 8:24-39,9:11-16; Eph. 1:1-11; I Thes. 1:2-4; II Tim. 1:9; I Pet. 1:2)

We believe in the doctrine of total depravity of human nature, and that recovery from that condition is wholly and exclusively by the sovereign, free and unmerited grace of God. (Job 14:4; Psa. 14:1-3, 51:5; Rom. 3:9-12, 3:23, 5:12, 7:18-25; 1 Cor. 2:14; Eph. 2:1-3, 2:8)

We believe the atonement made by Christ was full and complete and exclusively for the elect, or heirs of promise. (Joh. 10:11; Act. 20:28; Rom. 5:8-15; II Cor. 5:21; Eph. 2:5; Tit. 3:4-7; Heb. 10:14; I Pet. 3:18; I Joh. 3:9)

We believe the doctrine of God's predestination in every sense as the Bible teaches it. (Pro. 16:4; Joh. 15:16; Eph. 1:4-5; Eph. 1:11-12; Rom. 8:29-30; 2 Tim. 1:9)

We believe that all the elect vessels of mercy, chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, shall be called, regenerated and sanctified by the regenerating power of God's grace, and shall ultimately enjoy heaven and immortal glory. (Isa. 55:10-11; Joh. 3:3-8; II Tim. 1:9; Jud. 1)

We believe that there will be a resurrection of the bodies, both of the just and the unjust, and the happiness of the righteous shall be eternal, and the punishment of the wicked shall be everlasting. (Act. 24:15; Joh. 5:29)

We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ, and that true believers are the subjects, and the true mode of baptism is immersion, foot washing as an example. (Matt. 3:13-17, 26:26-29, 28:19; Mrk. 14:22-26, 16:15-16; Luk. 22:17-20; Joh. 3:23, 13:1-17; Act. 8:28-38; Rom. 6:3-5; I Cor. 10:16, 11:23-28; I Tim. 5:10)

We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as translated under the reign of King James, are a revelation from God, inspired by the Holy Ghost, and that the New Testament is the standard of faith and the only authorized rule of practice to the church of God under gospel dispensation. We therefore consider ourselves solemnly bound by our allegiance to the King of Zion to reject, disclaim, and disfellowship all modern and ancient religious institutions or societies of which we have neither precept nor example in the New Testament. (Psa. 12:6-7; Rom. 15:4; Eph. 2:19-22; II Tim. 3:16-17; II Pet. 1:19-21)

Doctrine of Sovereign Grace

The Fall of Man Resulting in Depravity: When Adam transgressed God's law, he and all the human race died as they fell under the law of sin and death. This act did not result in sickness or injury, but in death and separation from God. Therefore, he became incapable of recovering himself from this fallen condition by his own freewill or ability. Therefore, all of mankind inherited the same sin and death from our father Adam. But, there was one man that Adam wasn't the father of and His name is Jesus Christ, for He was born without the inheritance of sin and death from Adam. His Father was God and Creator of all living things. (Genesis 2:17, Romans 5:12, Romans 3:9-18, Psalms 14:1, Psalms 58:3-5)

Unconditional Election and Predestination: This wonderful doctrine teaches that God, according to his own purpose and will, chose an innumerable people in Christ out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation, before the world began, and predestinated them unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ and to obtain an eternal inheritance in heaven. (Ephesians 1:4-11, 1st Peter 1:1-5, Romans 8:29-30, Revelation 5:9)

Regeneration, New Birth, Being Born Again: These different terms define what happens when God quickens one of his children into eternal life. We believe this is done by the life-giving voice of Jesus Christ and is always effectual and irresistible on the part of the individual. This is done separate and apart from the preaching of the gospel and without any help or work of man. (John 3:6-8, John 5:25, John 6:37, Romans 8:30, Ephesians 2:1, 2nd Timothy 1:9)

Work of Redemption: The word "redeem" declares a price to be paid and prior ownership of that which is to be redeemed. The price of eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12) was the blood of Christ and those he redeemed were his by covenant out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation (Revelation 5:9). All Christ died for will live in heaven because the debt of sin was paid and the righteousness of Christ was imputed unto his elect. (Hebrews 10:17-18, 2nd Corinthians 5:21, 1st Corinthians 1:30, Ephesians 1:7)

Preservation or Eternal Security: This comforting aspect of salvation by grace teaches all that Jesus Christ died for will be eternally saved without the loss of one. They shall never perish, be cast out, separated from the love of Christ, nor plucked from the hand of God. They are preserved in the blood of Christ and kept by His power. (John 6:37-39, John 10:27-30, Romans 8:28-39, 1st Peter 1:1-5, Hebrews 10:14, Jude 1)

Updated: 2/25/23

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